
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Alhaji Shehu Shagari- Debunked Rumours Of His Dead

Former President, Shehu Shagari, has debunk rumours making the rounds in the social media, that he was dead.The elder statesman maintained that he was hale and hearty by the will of God, just as he enjoined the political class to unite the country.
Reading from a signed direct statement made available to journalists in Sokoto, yesterday the 23rd of March 2015, Shagari appealed to all Nigerians to continue to give peace a chance, especially during the forthcoming elections.
He stated:

''Let me use this opportunity to appeal to you and through you to all Nigerians to continue to give peace a chance, especially during this election period. Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria''.

The former president reminded politicians in the country of the need to put Nigeria first, no matter their ambition, stressing that nobody should sponsor or perpetrate violence in the name of politics, as it is not a do or die affair.
He emphasized that anybody, who sponsors or perpetrates violence is working against the interest of Nigerians.

''Nigerians should put Nigeria first irrespective of ethnic and religious differences. God gives power to whomever He wishes and takes leadership. Nobody should sponsor or perpetrate violence as the country belongs to all of us,” he said''.

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