
Saturday, April 11, 2015

Food For Thoughts: Patience Is Golden

Patience is Golden. Nothing works like Patience. It works miracle, wisdom without Patience is like a garden full of weeds. To be impatience is to invite Sorrows, Discomfort and Failure into one’s life. It is only with Patience, Careful Planning, Hardwork, Dedication and Reasoning that Success can be yours.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a conscious step, therefore slow and steady wins the race. Don’t Rush at things for anything done in haste is never done well. God’s mill grinds slowly, yet it grinds exceedingly and perfectly well. It yields abundance which can never run dry.
Everyone has his own lucky days, therefore rest in the lord and wait patiently on Him. Every good gifts cometh from God, He shall Provide and direct your paths. Prayer, Faith and Patience never disappoint. For the patient one will inherit the Earth and Eternity.

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